Newsletter – 23 January 2025

Welcome to the 2025 Golfing Season

Officially opening day will be held on Saturday, 1 February.
The competition is a Canadian Foursome (drawn partners) for the Marks Trophy (Mixed) and Helm Trophy (Men) and is open to all members of the Club.
Tee time is 11.00am, reporting by 10.30am

Should you wish to participate, please phone the Golf Shop.

Course Damage

  This is an example of damage being course by players practicing on the course.   Can you help us find the person or persons?

Club’s Practice Policy
There is no objection to member’s playing “practice rounds”, but ask that the number of balls played is limited to 2.
Practicing pitching into any green on the course is STRICTLY PROHIBTED.

If you see anyone practicing in such a manner, please “snap them” and send to