Newsletter – 17 December 2024

Course Golf Matters

Water Restrictions
While the rain over the past couple of days has been welcome, unfortunately, we are on “water restrictions” due to the low level of the Ashley River and the prospect of the restrictions being lifted in the near future seem highly unlikely.

Movable Sprinklers
Please DO NOT shift these.  If it is necessary, then please replace them as they have been positioned for a specific reason.

Golf Carts & Trundlers
The “burn marks” on fairways are being caused by both golf carts and trundlers when on extremely hot days, “tires heat up” and we would ask that you, whenever possible, drive or walk along the sides of fairways.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Golf Competitions over Christmas/New year

Saturday’s 21st & 28th – Golf Shop Haggle (Stableford) ($5) – please book on-line
Wednesday 1 January – New Year Day’s Open (Stableford) (Members $20) – please book on-line
Tuesday 7 January – Twilight Golf (Members $7)
Wednesday 8 January – Wednesday Men’s Competition

From the Management Committee and staff, we would like to wish you all
a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and to those travelling, safe travels.